JV Lead form submission, You'll get a JV agreement sent to your email, and you will get follow up texts as we work your lead. Payout is a minimum of $1000.00 at CLOSE ONLY and can make up to 50/50 split of assignment if you are able to bring the buye
By filling this form, you are acknowledging that you are allowing POD and it’s team to contact in an attempt to write a contract to obtain referenced address for the purpose to, but not limited to Purchase, Lease, Sell and/ or Assign contract. Signing, you are allowing us to follow up, communicate, and attempt to purchase said property. The JV agreement you are sent by email, is your proof of our partnership with you to obtain said property and pay out amount. If deal is obtained under contract, said JV partners generally have first choice for finding an end buyer and only an end buyer for a further split of assignment fee.
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